i am so mad.
we got into a discussion abt the obamas today in the car..
me, my mom, my "aunt" (and my lil bro and "cousin") were driving back home from the mall and my aunt showed us the copy of essence with the obama family. this stared a conversation abt how great obama is. how strong his family is. why obama would be a great president. why everyone in the world should support obama.
i chimed in here and there, yes, they look great, yes they are a wonderful family, yes i really do respect the obamas.
and then my aunt mentions that i am old enough to vote.
and i agree, yes, this is true i am old enough to vote.
and she goes well thats great because yr vote will really count. we need all the votes we can get for obama. and i planned on just going "mm" or smiling or something, but that really irked me, the way that she assumed that i was automatically voting for obama. so i told her the truth, that i am not sure who i am going to vote for yet.
and that got my aunt and mom all upset, about how we need all the votes we can get, who else was there to vote for, don't i want my vote to count.
and i tried in my most respectful way to say that yes, i want my vote to count, and that my first time voting is important to me. and i want to vote smart, not just support someone because i feel like i should have to, but really look into the people's politics. that i wanted my vote to count for something.
and they couldn't wrap their minds around why i wouldnt be voting for obama. and the way that they made me feel was so infuriating.. it was as if i was just a child and i would learn better. in fact, my mother said that i was being silly, i just wanted to pull a lever, that i wanted to make a political stance.
then my mom went into a rant abt white fucking liberals and how they don't do anything for black ppl and how they stab you in the back, etc, etc... first off. i never said i was voting for a white liberal. and i agree. i have little to no respect for white liberals because i have learned that white liberal = colorblind racist, NOT progressive anti racist. the white liberals that i have met don't want to talk abt race, dont want to acknowledge its existence, and the effect it still has on our society. i never said i was liberal. and thirdly, didnt i say i wasnt sure who i was voting for? didnt i say that? i didnt jump up out of my seat and go, LET'S GO GREEN PARTY, WHITE LIBERALISM ALL THE WAY.
my mom also says that not all political candidates are perfect. that she doesnt agree with a good amt of things that obama believes, but supoprts him anyway. and that a lot of black people are really conservative. well mom, i'm not conservative. why would i vote for someone with conservative views... and why would i vote for someone that i don't agree with... is it because my loyalty to my blackness? because if thats the case, wouldnt that give me more of a reasont o vote green, in allegiance with my blackness AND my womon-ness?
then my aunt tries to reason with me and says that she hopes that i get the chance to educate myself and find that obama truly is the right candidate. and offers me his book on CD. i was pissy so i declined. not because i dont want to read the book (because as i said earlier i want to educate myself) but because of the tone in which she offered it. the fact that i will educate myself and find that he is the right candidate for me.. wtf.
they continue their obama discussion, ignoring me, but still talking for my "benefit"- you know, the way that parents do.. and my aunt says something that sticks with me. apparently, when oprah was helping campaign for obama, she told america, don't vote for obama because he's black, but because he's brilliant.
beautifully said...
but the biggest load of horse shit ive ever heard. and how dare you mention that when you just cracked a joke that obama should get a mexican VP, because thats the only way he wont get shot in office...
of course people are voting for him because he's black! of course! especially those damned white "liberals" that my mother mentioned earlier (kind of like the one she's dating)... oh, how "progressive" to support this black man... i feel that there is no way that we can ignore the fact that obama is black. DUH. just look at the guy. just hear how ppl talk abt him, positive or negative. we always mention the fact that he could have a black president, that he is a black man with a black man and a black family and black obama black black black.
i dont think this is a negative thing.
in fact, i am glad that we can admire this strong black man... that we can acknowledge his blackness.. hopefully that will encourage race dialogue.
and if you want to vote for him because he's black ad you feel a sense of loyalty to him because yr also black, hell.. thats fine too! i feel an allegiance to a lotta folk because we're black.. we gotta look out for each other, support each other. i support the obama family, i admire them. i just dont want to vote for him without knowing his politics.. and also, i dont want to be questioned as to why im not voting for my fellow black countryman. cuz if thats the case, the green party has two black folk running for the candidacy (thats twice the allegiance) AND they're womyn! (thats another point there, too). i want to take oprah's advice, and vote for someone because they're brilliant, not because they're black (because if i voted on who's blacker- not "attitude" wise, but whose actually blacker- obama would lose.)
but i dont know.. i just want the opportunity to educate myself on these guys, and really take this srsly. i want to be able to say, i voted for ___ because i agree with their politics on _______, _______, and _____ and honestly think that they would be great at running our country. i dont want to walk out saying, i voted for obama because hes black. come on, now! maybe obama will be the one to fill in those blanks, maybe mckinney (hellthe fuck naw it wont be mccain's dumb ass) but i want the freedom to figure that out. is that too much to ask?? should i be ridiculed and treated as if i am silly and young and trying to make a statement with my white liberals?? NO.
and ill buy obamas book with my own damned money, thankyouverymuch.
...and lastly, i would like to say that the family looks FIERCE on that magazine cover.
when i mentioned to my mom voting mckinney instead of obama she looks at me and says- "you are such a 19 year old"...
I pray that I will never grow out of my youthful 19 year old idealism. and I hate that people think that I am just some ignorant idealistic kid who needs to learn to think more rationally.
cant say anything but amen
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