Monday, September 27, 2010


there are a lot of lessons that i need to learn this school year. i'm a tad bit hardheaded but i think i am starting to "get it".

the first one is that unless i change my actions, i can't expect different results. i need to repeat this to myself, so that it can really stick.

the second is that i wont get what i want(need?) unless i ask for it. which means that i need to figure out what exactly it is that i want (which is more intimidating than it sounds.)

third, i am really blessed. and i need to constantly stay aware of that. school has been amazing so far, and even though it hasn't been the way that i thought it was gonna be, everything has worked out better than i expected.

finally, when in doubt, just do your homework. instead of stressing or getting caught in drama or whatever, i need to just remember that i am first and foremost a student. and doing homework is the best distraction from everything else.

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