i need to work on these more... a lot.
"the wood for the trees"(w.i.p.)
i have dreams
where i lose my teeth,
pull them out of my mouth one by one, while
new teeth push themselves
from my swollen pinkgums
making me repeat the process,
spitting them out, pushing them out
with my tongue
until they fill my mouth
with the hard, bitter taste of enamel.
i have dreams
where people die,
the words "revolution" on their
lips, eyes heavy and clouded
with sleep and delusion
as i watch them get carried away
and forgotten.
I could have told you
not to die for something stupid-
yr head is not hard enough to
withstand the fall
yr back is not strong enough to not bend.
i have dreams where i forget to wake up.
dear universe,
i am ready to wake up now,
to still my tongue, to bow my head,
to listen.
*i dunno where this one came from.. totally fabricated. obviously.
"do not touch" (w.i.p.)
do not touch me with yr hands
forgiving and forceful
prying, questioning, ready to catch or
do not touch me with yr eyes
peering, goading, promising
good stories or sad stories or
made up stories
for us to laugh abt in the future.
do not touch me with yr mouth.
don't spoonfeed me carefully thoughtout
words of reassurance
i don't want yr support, dont
need yr mouth on mine or yr lips
whispering secrets in my ear.
i want to wallow in self-pity
swallow all hope of me
everloving you.
10 years ago
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