ive spent a lot of time today studying this picture, everything from the tear in the left eye, to the firey sideswept mohawk, and the collar of watercolor petals. the picture is also so gender neutral- i have no idea what the gender of this picture is, which is what also makes it so beautiful. and i noticed for the first time today that on the collar are four letters: z, i, z, a. ziza.
i thought that this might be the artist's name, so i googled "ziza street art", "ziza london", anything i could to get more info. but i didn't really find anything. so then i looked up the definition of ziza, just to see what i would get. and this is what came up:
splendour; abundance. (1.) A Simeonite prince (1 Chr. 4:37-43). (2.) A son of Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11:20).
it's a biblical name. a prince, in fact. but it also means splendour and abundance.
i find all of this to be so very fitting.
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