1- my little brother is really annoying.
2- tomorrow he turns 10, and i am hoping that the extra digit makes him less annoying.
3- cartoons have really lost their charm these days. are there any good cartoon or tv shows out there anymore?
4- i never want to be an adult on a children's show. i feel like that is an all-time low in an actor's career, one that you can never escape from, except through death.
5- i have officially begun writing a play. i have two scenes and an outline. i need to work on monologues and character development. i am too afraid to show it to djola or natalie- mostly djola because he frightens me.
6- the water is delicious here, especially compared to the nasty, cloudy water of new cross.
7- i really want to play kingdom hearts, but can't since i don't own the game OR a ps console. it's also hen and seth's faults that i want to play video games again.
8- i still feel sick, and am tired of being sick.
9- i am ready to be back at hampshire, but not ready to be homeless for a month.
10- moneyyyy... why can't i ever have it??
10 years ago
i'm not gonna be home until the 2nd or 3rd week of january and you're welcome to my bed if you need one ever. it's big and comfy. :)
dear kendra- YES PLEASE!
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