guys, i'm sad.
im not sad like boohoo sad or sad with any real reason for being sad.
the sadness is just there right now. im holding it at bay but..
i know im sad because usuallyw hen im sad i cant write and when i cant write my whole life gets out of sync and then i get all confused as to what to do with myself and i get sadder.
le sigh.
other news.. happier news.
hampshire! good. very good. its been two weeks and i feel like i've been here forever. everything fell right back into place. its weird, kind of... but a huge relief that i dont have to start at square one like the first yrs do. speaking of first yrs, they're mad chill. i love the ones that i know already. so much love to those kids... i can't wait for the students who are gone to meet em (britbrit, brecklyn, alumns!!!) and can i say, the black ppl @ hampshire are ROLLIN DEEP this yr.. NOW if we could all roll deep to a friggin UMOJA meeting we'd be set, yo.
i got some crazy ideas for qipoc and umoja.. y'alls just gotta stay tuned and watch what i can do.
speakin of black ppl, chris tinson has a class called Framing Blackness.. im like.. 3rd on the waitlist but im tryna get in that shit HARDCORE.
umm, what else?
thats it rly.. ill try to update when i have something real to update abt...
10 years ago
1 comment:
i love it when u update.
also, i can't wait to meet the new members of our fmaily
also, i cant wait for to come to umoja and see everything you've done
also, i hope your sadness that the right word?
also, how's home? aka 52?
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