ive been talking a lot abt this for the past couple of days. mostly because a lot of my friends have had this janterm romance or fling and although i can be a bit envious, i dont think that i am currently in the right "place" to have one of my own. but if i was, an ideal relationship for me would look like this:
i'd need someone who is fun. someone who would want to play with me, someone spontaneous, who would be up for playing in the snow and making art together as well as going on random road trips and sneaking away together for a couple of days. i want someone who is funny and loves laughing but can be serious. someone who is passionate abt what they are doing/studying, someone i am constantly learning from but someone i can share my knowledge with. they have to believe in something, some sort of truth, enough to fight for it. not necessarily a religion, but spiritual in the sense that they are constantly emitting good energy into the world. theyve got to like drinking tea and reading together on rainy days. most importantly, they've actually got to like/respect me and want to actively be with me.
sounds good so far, right? fairytale perfect?
the catch is that my ideal relationship would also involve no emotional attachment. yep. emotions complicate things. or maybe.. id want to be emotionally uninvolved for the first month or two, and then decide whether or not we want to involve emotions later. like, turn the emotional switch off in the beginning, and then maybe turn it back on later. my friends say that this is unrealistic but DUR that's why it's an ideal.
i dunno. what do you think? what's yr ideal relationship?
10 years ago